21 methods to follow in order to discover your creative mind

If you are living an inefficent period its reason can be many things. Unfortunately there is no only one method to figure out all the problems. Nobody can say that ''if you do that the things can be figured out'' but there are some scientifical methods to follow in order to discover your creative mind and make progression in your job.. You can discover your creative mind by applying the one which is the most available to you and you can bring your job to the level of what you want to be..

                                  1-) Pick the worst idea which looks the worst to you

Taking risks aren't bad at all. Unlike it's better.. As Eintein's said, if an idea isn't looking absurd to you at first you must lose your hope from that idea

 2-) Make small bets on your idea    

.          Take hills first, not mountain and then step into your goals by the bets which you earned..

                                                      3-) Question Everything
     Save yourself from falsehood and useless details. increase your yield level by testing the things which are needed.

                                                   4-) Ask your ideas to three people
                               New perspectives brings the new approachments.

                                                     5-) Think like a Genius

                                    What would that person do if he was instead of you??

                                                      6-) Write it down and take notes

                                                       Track your brainstorms

                                                   7-) Take as an example by them but never steal

 If you are choked, take as example from the masters in your area, the things which are classicied will always help and inspire you.    
                                                      8-) Make Practise
The practise which you will do regularly daily is one of the most the mass steps to discover your creative mind
                                                    9-) Focuss on your job
            Get concentrate on the thing what you do. master one thing not everything.

                                                10-) Use maybe alternative too..

Be open to every ideas peruse the alternatives. Dont you push the ones which look meaningless with your hands at first, Say maybe peruse and analyze it.

                                               11-) Dream about it
Allow your mind time for playing and enjoying, Who knows maybe the most creative idea will come to your mind like this way.

                                              12-) Call a friend of yours
New risks extra ordinary ventures always need to supportive networks. You can find the power which you look for in your friends.

                                                    13-) Walk on the way
                                                     Walks boost creative thinking

                                                      14-) Look at the others

Follow the good things which are done in your area and the ones who make it. get enlightenment from them that so you can be like them a time later.

                                                     15-) Dont forget to unplug
Dont forget that you are not a robot you need to having rest to refresh your mind for new ideas. So never neglect having rest.

                                                        16-) Be Silent
This is an old fashion habit but it works. To think being silent, provides to focus in yout thoughts better and saving progression.

                                                    17-) Forget the question of what is normal?
Don't you kill your creativeness by running after normal things, The good thing for you is the good things.

                                                   18-) Don't wait
Be stable but dont be on the ideas which lay on your mind. Actulize the thing which come to you true with decisive mind and focus to the next step.

                                                19-) Watch yourself over a different perspective

Peruse the situation by putting a psychological distance between the job you do and decided what you will exactly focus on.

                                                  20-) Start Over
If you are choked or the things aren't going on the way as you wished leave everything away. Start over. Open a new page to the new and fresh ideas.


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