
Showing posts from February, 2015

signs and caused of sinusitis you should know

  Sinusitis is considered trivial by many people experiencing symptoms . Although very annoying , many people assume that the symptoms of sinusitis are just symptoms of the common cold . And if not handled properly , sinusitis can cause a variety of other diseases around the ENT ( ear , nose , throat ) even up to cause meningitis . For that , you need to understand the symptoms and causes of sinusitis in order to conduct appropriate treatment . Sinusitis is an inflammation or swelling of the sinuses . Sinus itself is an air cavity in the facial area that is connected to the nose . Inflammation of the sinuses is caused by the accumulation of mucus in the sinus cavity and into the growth of bacteria . Normally , sinuses are filled with air , so when the sinus is blocked and filled with fluid or mucus , the bacteria and viruses can grow well , causing inflammation to infection . In addition to vir

24 interesting knowledge about The world's richest man Bill Gates

         1-) He is coming from a middle-class family, his father is a lawyer her mother is instructor        2-) He wrote his first computer programme when he was 13 years old with his General Electric brand computer. The programme was for 3 stones game.         3-) He sold his first computer programme to 4,200 dollar when he was 17. He was going to private college and he paid his all school expenses with this money.  4-) He told to his university lecturers that he will be a millionare until his 30 and he became millionare in his 31 who made him angry.        5-)    When he was working at Altair Computer on january of 1975 he had written and improved a new language of Basic Computer Language's. A study like this could be done only in 6 month whereas Bill Gates finished this in 5 days.          6-)After dropping out Harvard University, he dedicated himself to Microsoft Company in which they created with 100 dollar with Paul Allen 7-) His Company^s name

21 methods to follow in order to discover your creative mind

If you are living an inefficent period its reason can be many things. Unfortunately there is no only one method to figure out all the problems. Nobody can say that ''if you do that the things can be figured out'' but there are some scientifical methods to follow in order to discover your creative mind and make progression in your job.. You can discover your creative mind by applying the one which is the most available to you and you can bring your job to the level of what you want to be..                                                                                       1-) Pick the worst idea which looks the worst to you                                                         Taking risks aren't bad at all. Unlike it's better.. As Eintein's said, if an idea isn't looking absurd to you at first you must lose your hope from that idea  2-) Make small bets on your idea     .          Take hills first, not mountain and then step into

The short circuits from Famous Directors' Iconic Films and Legendary Photograph Poses

                                                                      Dali 1948                                                         Marlon Brando 1953 Julius Ceaser Director:Joseph L. Mankiwicz Marlon Brando is trying a new way to be in front us with a different way at Mark Anthony Role Marilyn Monroe 1953 Photograph:Sammy Davis Marilyn Monroe had lived a short love life with the entertaining world's famous name Sammy Davis jr. and by The mafia's entering to between of couple, put an end to the relationship and Sammy Davis was made to be married with a black woman hurriedly. Jimmy Stewart - Grace Kelly 1954 Rear Window Director:Alfred Hitchcock A scene where Hitchcock adapted from Cornell Woolrich's story called It had to be  murder which has 4 oscars awards nomination with Jimmy Stewart and Grace kelly Pablo Picasso Photographer:Arnold Newman Marilyn Monroe 1956 Bus Stop Director:Joshua Logan While Monro